I do not think TST or the Swedish Laboratories are on the same level as SafeBet. SB was clearly a portal operated by the software company, whereas these two compliance businesses are independant of the online casinos they certify. In fact, most of their clients come from the world of land-based gaming, and internet sites are a small portion of their portfolio.
The problem comes when these compliance certificates are presented as proof that a casino is fair. All they really prove is that the copy of the software they submitted is fair, but that does not mean it is the same software being used. Until an iGaming jurisdiction steps up to the plate and implements actual control-based safeguards, there is no way for anyone to say with absolute certainty that any internet casino is fair. That's not to say that they are unfair, just that there is no way for us to know.
By 7:34 am
, at
Safebet was not intended as comparable to TST, morally or otherwise, simply an example of a well known casino certificaton logo. The OPA on the other hand was once highly regarded: how is one to know that these days it's nothing more than a One Man Band casino portal, reduced to such as a direct result of its undisclosed financial ties with Playtech, the very sofware brand it claims to "verify"? In fact, how is one to know the same about Safebet?
Only a player in the know can be aware of such things, and yet these stamps still exist on Playtech and RTG casino sites, as ostensible proof of a fair game
I agree entirely that, while it may be the case that the testing entity is reputable, the product tested may be distinct from the product delivered to the gambler.
Remember the Casino Bar experiment? When Michael Shakleford retested the software, at the behest of the casino, he received a fair game. Then, cynic that he (fortunately) was, he retested a second time, but from another person's account, and voilà ! - the same cheating game.
Somehow, they'd engineered a fair game to his account.
Until both 1) all aspects of the testing are beyond reproach and 2) the tested version is guaranteed identical to the version delivered to the player, these supposed compliance certificates have marketing value to the casinos, but are irrelevant to the gambler.
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